Saturday, February 27, 2010
Something I realized.
-My dad came home from Greenville today and we talked about the program and he seems to think it's going to be cool, which makes me excited because I'm glad my family supports me. (Of course the fact that I can get them discounts to Disney doesn't hurt either)
-My future roomies and I are all getting along really well so far and I think we're going to have loads of fun.
I copied this survey from someone, just cause I like doing surveys. Haha!
What does your town's name begin with?: W
Are you a seafood fan?: Not really, which a lot of people find suprising since I live on the beach.
Do you prefer dark, brown or white chocolate?: I like dark & milk chocolate.
Give me a random word in another language: lapiz
Which city would you like to visit- Rome, Tunis, London, Madrid or Paris?: London
Have you got perfect vision?: Far from it
What song(s) do you put on repeat often?: I don't repeat songs, it's a pet peeve of mine
How many letters long is your last name?: Seven
Are you wearing shoes, just socks or nothing on your feet?: Nothing
Do you like the smell of a barbecue or bonfire?: Both, lol
Do you think rainbows are pretty or overrated?: They're alright?
How often do you drink soda?: A lot more than necessary
What accent is the sexiest?: Austrailian.
Do you currently live in the same country you were born in?: Yeah
What's your current mood?: Pretty good
A romantic meal, a trip to a theme park, or go to a concert?: Theme park or a concert, I'm not good at being romantic.
How good is your memory?: Depends on what I'm trying to remember and/or how important it is to me
Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?: What does this question even mean?
Are you playing hard to get right now?: No
What are you doing tomorrow?: Probably nothing, maybe homework
Would you rather take a relationship really slow or really fast?: In the middle
What was the last pill you took?: My guess would be ibeuprofin
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided seeing them?: Yuh.
Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?: Yeah
Are you smiling in your default picture?: Uh huh
You think you can last in a relationship for six months?: I know I can
Ever stayed up all night on the phone?: No
Do you tell your best friend EVERYTHING?: Pretty much yeah
Do you sleep with the door open or closed?: Closed
What is something you currently want right now?: A miracle
Who are you dating?: Nobody
Will this weekend be a good one?: Not likely, lol.
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?: No
What were you doing at midnight last night?: I don't know exactly
Do you like pickles?: Yeah
Are you texting someone?: No
Do you believe exes can be friends?: Absolutely
What was the last thing you looked up on Google?: Don't remember
Is your hair naturally straight?: HAHA no.
Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?: Yes
Do you remember the Pepsi Commercials with Britney Spears?: Yeah
Have you kissed someone with the name beginning with J or B?: J no, B yes if you count the name Bobby even though is short for Robert
Do you wear hair extensions?: No
What's something you really want right now, be honest?: Didn't I already answer this
Would you be able to name everyone you kissed in 09?: Yeah thats easy, Bobby.
Who's the last person who you went out to eat with?: My family and I just got back from Olive Garden actually.
Is it awkward when you run into your exes?: I don't have that problem considering I don't live in the same state as any of them anymore.
How did you get one of your scars?: My arm got shut in an oven door.
Do you have a job?: Not anymore
Do you think you're wasting your time on the person you like?: I don't like anyone
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?: Yeah, if I wanted to.
Do have a dog?: I have two
Do you know anyone who has messed up your life?: Besides myself? No.
Do you think someone has feelings for you?: No
This time last year, were you single?: Yeah. Well the thing is, I was in a relationship for like ten months, then it became long distance. So after it became long distance it was on and off a lot and I can never remember when I was officially single and not. But I've been single for a while now.
Do you wear makeup everyday?: Yeah dude
Do you have any siblings?: I have a younger brother
Next time you will kiss someone?: I don't know
Who was the last person to send you a text message?: Kelsey
Do you honestly miss someone?: Yes
Were you single for your last birthday?: Yes
When will you be in a relationship next?: I don't know
Does it bother you when people respond with one word text?: Depends on what I said to them
Who are you texting?: No one
You can get a puppy or a new car. Which do you choose?: A puppy.
Do you wear a belt with every pair of jeans?: No, I hardly ever wear belts. I hate belts
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Good News!
So I decided to make a list about some things I'm most excited about while working in Disney, beyond meeting a ton of new people:
1. Little kids smiling faces- that may sound really corny, but I love kids. I've been around little kids my whole life, and there is nothing more fun than playing with them and making them happy, which is basically what Disney is about.
2. Pin trading- Pretty self explanitory, just another way to make people happy.
3. The fact that I get to be around guests all day- Granted, I'm going to run into the occasional Grumpy.. ALL PEOPLE HAVE TO EAT! So they're going to wind up coming to get food, which is where I will be.
I could go on for days really, but my grandparents are here and I'm going to wrap it up.
OH, if any of you have watched johnwdwcp's videos on youtube, he mentions to book Mousecatraz.. has anyone read it? Lemme know.
Have a magical daaaaay
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The best has yet to come!

Monday, February 22, 2010
But as of right now I'm watching the Bachelor girls tell all thing and writing a paper. My mind is so preoccupied with everything else that my school stuff is just not first prioriety now and that's definitely not a good thing, ugh, I need a good nights sleep.
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Still wishing upon a star..

I don't really have tremendous fashion sense. I live in coastal North Carolina, so I tend to keep things light, except in the winter. I lived 16 years of my life in the friggen snow belt of Erie, PA, so trust me when I say I know cold weather. But anywho, racer back tank tops are most definitely my go to item, especially in summer. I have them in pretty much every color imagineable so that they can go with anything I wear. I love sandals of any kind, sunglasses too. I'm a hoodie junkie, but I'd say shoes are for sure my weakness. All in all, I don't really think living in FL will be too terribly different from where I am now, but hey, it gives me a good excuse to shop.

Makeup is really where my interest is. I love makeup. I love being creative with it, trying new things, new combinations, new products. Two things I swear by are Revlon Colorstay liquid foundation (I'm in the shade Nude) and MAC studio sculpt concealer (NW 20). They are amazing, two products I wouldn't want to go without. Other things I love that are pictured are Revlon lipstick in Nude Attitude, Loreal Telescopic mascara, and MAC tinted lip conditioner in Petting Pink. Now, I'm not a HUGE perfume/fragrance lover, but my favorite is Viva la Juicy. It's expensive though so I just have a little bottle of it. I used to work at Bath and Body Works, i like their products most of the time and my favorite scent is now Sensual Amber. It used to be Butterfly Flower, but I just got terribly sick of it.
So thats my little ramble about clothes and makeup, kind of irrelevant, but if I wanted to I could tie it into packing for Disney. Yadda yadda I'm done now :p
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
People who interviewed in February are starting to get accepted, that makes me really excited and really nervous at the same time. I want to be accepted too, dangit!
Anyway, I have two papers to start writing that should distract my mind a little from Disney worrying for a while, until my 4-6 weeks is up at least. It's so cool meeting other people and seeing how excited everyone is about getting in. GAH. Well y'all. Time to make dinner.
Monday, February 15, 2010
yo ho yo ho
Everything is going really really well. I love meeting people who are going to Fall CP too! It'd suck if I make all these new friends and then I don't get accepted, haha. Think purple thoughts.
It's really late and I have class tomorrow morning so I guess I should cut this one short.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
First Blog!
Today is Valentine's Day and my Dad is leaving for Greenville for two weeks again.
I have a lot of math homework that I should probably be doing, but WDWCP is consuming my mind, haha! ANYWHOS I found this Disney survey that looked like fun:
Which movie is your favorite? Probably Toy Story, I love that whole series. I can't wait for the third one. But it used to be Beauty and the Beast
Which movie has the best story? Aladdin, another favorite
Which movie did you laugh the most at? Hmm, probably Toy Story again
Which movie made you cry? Fox and the Hound
What is your favorite song from the movies? You ain't NEVER had a FRIEEEENDDDD liiiiiiike meeeeee.
If you were sucked into one of the Disney movies, which would you prefer? Oh gosh, ummmm. Tinkerbell!
Which Disney movie probably shouldn’t have been made? The Haunted Mansion :/
Are you sick of the sequels? No
The Park
Have you ever been to Disneyland? Nope but I've heard good things
Have you ever been to Disney World? 3 times
Have you been to any of the other Disney Parks around the world? No
Which park is the best? This is a hard question! I like them all for different reasons of course but if I had to choose I'd say Magic Kingdom because of all the pure magic that happens there.
What’s your favorite ride? The Haunted Mansion, Dinosaur, Toy Story Mania
What’s your least favorite ride? Peter Pan
Who have you been to Disney with? Mom, Dad, Brother, Grandparents, Cousins, Aunt, Uncle
Would you go back? TOTALLY
Did you get autographs and/or pictures with your favorite characters? Of course I did
Which character is your favorite picture with? Tinkerbell, and the Queen of Hearts
Would you ever work for Disney? Yeah
Would you remember where they were if you went back? I remember where Tinkerbell was because that was during the last time I was there, but I don't remember where I saw the QOH
Which is the best show at Disney? Well I don't really know if it counts as a show or not, but I LOVE the Monsters Inc. Laugh Factory
Which is the best restaurant? Sci Fi Dine In Theater, love.
Which is the best hotel on Disney property? I only remember staying in 2, but my favorite has been Pop Century.