SO!!!.. I'm officially accepting tomorrow. I tried to today, but after a bunch of calls to the WDWCP people and misc. junk, I decided it'd be best to just wait ONE more measley day and see if my purple folder comes tomorrow, since that'd be the official "one week since the email came" day. If it doesn't come, I'm going to go ahead and call them again then accept.
Basically you could say I'm excited all over again.
Everything is working out, so my last post about being nervous and what not is lame. Over. Done.
AND ON TOP OF THAT: I talked to someone in my english class today about Disney, and turns out they did the college program last year which I had NO idea of. It was cool because I had never met anyone in person who had done it before, he said I am going to love it. I figured as much. Lol.
So in all my excitement, I made a polyvore. Inspired by a necklace.

Oh wow I love that outfit and I especially love the necklace!! *__*